VPSGeocaching filter

by Kuan Ying Wu

VPSGeocaching Game is an AR geocaching game app with VPS feature. Combine depth data & RGB colour data to make ground catching up. You need to find the 3 hidden treasure objects by finding the catching ground place. # How to use – Find the activated VPS location and moving camera for Localization – After localisation, the game will auto start – Find the hidden treasure inside the catching ground place. – (DebugMode) double touching will enable debug UI, press [SkipLocalize] button could skip localization if you are not at the activated location.

VPSGeocaching filter camera

This is new augmented reality filter VPSGeocaching belonging to Instagram AR Filters. This AR Filter has the number 266252. It comes from our AR Face Filters and has interactive elements. If you want to own AR Filter feel free to contact us!