Coming April 1st
Developers, are you up for a 😎 challenge?
Each month you'll get a chance to win prizes up to $5K from a prize pool of $22K building for Spectacles! Create and submit a new Spectacles Lens, an update to existing Lens or an open source Lens and share it with the community to expand your skills and monetize creating AR experiences for the real world - with Lens Studio, for Spectacles!
up for
Your task in this challenge is to use Lens Studio to create a new Spectacles Lens, an open source Lens or to significantly update an existing Spectacles Lens you’ve created. Here are the 3 categories you can submit for:
New Lens
Your Lens has to be built and published for Spectacles. Your work has to pass the quality bar for being published to Lens Explorer to be eligible to win a prize.
Lens Update
For an update to be eligible, a substantial new feature or content must have been added to the Lens. Bug fixes or minor updates such as adding a button do not count.
Open Source Lens
Your Lens has to be made open source on GitHub. For this category, it is not required for the Lens to be published to win a prize. For example, if the Lens uses Experimental APIs, then it cannot be published but if open sourced it can still win a prize in this category.
Important note!
Your New Lens or Lens Update can also win in the Open Source category, if you make it open source on GitHub!
Make sure you read our Lensathon Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy before registering.
Who can take part?
Residents of which countries can not take part?
How to join?
Can I join the Spectacles Community Challenge if I don’t have Spectacles yet?
Do I need to have a Snapchat account?
Is there any entry fee to take part in this Challenge?
Can Teams take part in the challenge?
Can I submit a Lens funded by the Spectacles Lens Fund?
What kind of updates are eligible for the Lens Update category?
When and how will the winners be notified?
The first Spectacles Community Challenge starts April 1st
Stay tuned!