Must-have Tools for AR Ideation at Only $99 / month & FREE to Try!
The one and only toolset you’ll need to cover the ideation stage for your AR project – faster, smarter and industry-specific.
AR Brainstormer
Use AI to Generate AR Ideas
Cut your ideation and proposal-prep time short using gen-AI. Once you prompt our AI Brainstormer with information about your brand and campaign, you’ll get multiple well-written ideas for feasible and inspired AR filters, matched with fitting examples and developers ready to take on your project.
AR Search Engine
Find AR


for Your Marketing Campaign
Supercharge your creativity and get inspired by 50,000+ AR references filtered with a search engine tailored to the marketers’ and advertisers’ workflow. Collaborate with your client or team using shareable Moodboards, and close the concept stage faster than ever before.
Plan with limited search capabilities.
  • AR Brainstormer (AI) 10 credits
    • Creative Mode
      • Idea generator
      • References & Case Studies
    • Production Mode
      • Feasibility Validation
      • Production Time & Cost 
  • Search by:
    • Platform
    • Industry
    • Solution
    • 500+ tags
Go to AR Brainstormer
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per month billed monthly
per month billed annualy
Perfect for agencies and brands regularly working on AR projects.
  • AR Brainstormer (AI) UNLIMITED
    • Creative Mode
      • Idea generator
      • References & Case Studies
    • Production Mode
      • Feasibility Validation
      • Production Time & Cost 
  • Search by:
    • Platform
    • Industry
    • Solution
    • 500+ tags
  • Create and share Moodboards
7-day access
Perfect for agencies or brands doing research for one specific project.
  • AR Brainstormer (AI) UNLIMITED
    • Creative Mode
      • Idea generator
      • References & Case Studies
    • Production Mode
      • Feasibility Validation
      • Production Time & Cost 
  • Search by:
    • Platform
    • Industry
    • Solution
    • 500+ tags
  • Create and share Moodboards
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contact us.
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Need Further Assistance?
Once you’re done with the ideation process, know the cost and time needed for the project, the next step is to find the right person for the job! Send us your brief to match your project with the best-fitting creator or creative studio, or go straight to our Creators Marketplace to post a job offer or search for yourself.
If you need help deciding on the best project idea, match your goals and creative brief with the right AR filter format or you want to take full advantage of including AR in your marketing campaign and maximize your results – we’re ready to assist you every step of the way.
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I have an idea, what next?
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I have a question about AR Brainstormer
I have a question about AR Search Engine
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